Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Tech Support

Last night my laptop suddenly forgot that it has built in speakers, and now refuses to produce any sounds except for an occasional error beep that happens for absolutely no reason...

Anywho, I tried getting it to work by myself, but failing in that endeavor, I resorted to calling tech support.

My call was outsourced to India (read: the lady who took my call didn't speak or understand English). It really wasn't too bad until she asked for my email. I spelled out p-u-n-k-k-i-d-@-c-u-s-t-o-m-p-o-o-l-c-a-r-e.com She repeated back b-u-k-d-@c-u-s-t-m-m-p-u-c-e.com and asked if that was right. I said no and told her again. She asked if me or anyone in my household would like to subscribe to HP's monthly newsletter. I hung up.

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