Monday, August 27, 2007


7:00 - Roomate is yelling into phone in Chinese. I wake up.
10:00 - I wake up again, take a shower, and go downstairs to get something from the coffee shop
10:45 - I decide to find all of my classes.
12:45 - After two hours of walking around, it is lunch time. I call Bo, and we meet at Moe's. One of Bo's friends, Sarah, meets up with us too.
1:20 - After lunch, Sarah suggests we go to Tyler's to look at clothes. No one muys anything.
1:45 - We decide to go to the vintage clothing store instead. It is made of win, and I'll buy something there before the end of the week.
2:20 - We go to walk to some unknown location and run in to Melissa. Sarah heads off to her dorm, and the remaining three go to fimd Afsheen's dorm.
2:30 - We go chill with Afsheen and his roomate.
5:00 - Me and Bo go back to the dorm, he buys posters. We go to his room, I meet his roomate, then we go to my room to play Guitar Hero.
6:00 - Bo tells me his floor is having a "meet everyone dinner" thing, I go too.
7:00 - After meeting people from Bo's floor/building, I go play more Guitar Hero.
8:00 - I go downstairs and play dodgeball. I sucked because of the extremely large balls* but it was fun, and I plan on playing again.
10:00 - I go back to the dorm and chill.
10:50 - Typing of blog commences.
11:00 - Blog is finished.
11:30ish - Bedtime

*That's what she said.

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